Chasing Angelina Jolie

No, I'm not.

An FTII based team of filmmakers is making a documentary on how to get within three feet of Jolie and speak to her for three minutes. Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt are in Pune, staying, it seems, at Le Meridien. The paparazzi of the world are on a stake-out in Pune.

So, how is this FTII team different from the reporters and the paparazzi? Well, they're going to try to reach her by ethical means, and document the entire process.

I'm going to be blogging for them, so if you have any questions - let me know.

Update: I've set up a blog for this, since, erm, it's not really a Mixed Bag kind of thing. It could be, but its not. Whatever. See

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Blogger eismcsquare said...

I say pretty good idea - their effort, documenting them, and of course blogging. I would be honored if they can also plant a kiss (not smooch) on Angel darling on my behalf - 3 seconds outta 3 minutes :-)

October 07, 2006 9:45 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Not easy to get through to her and Pitt. Today, it came in the papers how a british based journalist was manhandled by their security guards.

October 08, 2006 7:32 am  
Blogger Nikhil Pahwa said...

Squared: heh. yeah, and it would take half a second for the bodyguard to plant a punch. O-)

Hiren: It's not easy at all. Worst of all, if anyone comes up with an idea, the news spreads and the crowd scares angelina and brad off. So, it's a tug of war between people withholding information, yet trying to get more.
The guy who's leading the team - Saurav Dey, is an old friend of mine, so I'm blogging as a favour for him. Every time I talk to him, he sounds hassled and excited at the same time.

October 08, 2006 8:38 pm  

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